Where Creativity Meets Code: Bringing Ideas to Life 

Kenney Industries
Featured Project

Kenney Industries

A business website for a machining company in Dallas, TX. Built using React, Tailwind, JS, HTML, CSS. Experienced working with the client to meet the needs of their company.

Food Finder
Featured Project

Food Finder

A Vite, React, and Tailwind CSS-based food delivery website that utilizes Redux Toolkit for state management. I designed the entire website layout and logo, and implemented key features including an interactive map and dynamic food cards. The project follows a modular architecture, enabling seamless user interactions and efficient data management.

Magic Memory
Featured Project

Magic Memory

A React learning project. I used useEffect, state, and props to create an interactive memory matching game. This game also keeps track of how many turns a player has taken. Match them all correctly to win.